Here's how it works: E-mail (I know its long and I apologize for that, but it only lets me edit the address so much) with your photo/photos (up to 10MB) along with a description, if you like. Your e-mail title will be the title of your post and anything written inside the e-mail will be the caption. Your post will be saved as a draft so that I can screen the photos and make sure they are appropriate before they appear on my site. I will try to check it everyday and after your post is approved, I will post it to the blog. Anyone can post photos to the blog, just please keep it clean. Photographs containing nudity, obscenity, profanity, pornography, violence, and anything that is lewd or offensive in nature, or otherwise inappropriate images will be excluded from the blog. Give credit to the photographer. I'd like to see your own work, but if you do post someone else's photos, make sure you put their info on it. I don't want any copyright issues. But if you do see a cool photo you want to share, don't take credit for someone else's work. Anyone can comment on posts. Again, please don't be rude. I encourage honest opinions and feedback, but also believe that you can do it in a respectful way. There is no need for rudeness. That's pretty much it. If anyone has an opinons on how to make the blog better or any other comments about it, you can comment this post or e-mail me at
thanks so much for joining! the wrestling shots turned out great! lemme know when owen has a match nearby and maybe i'll stop in and take some shots.